Below is a general outline of typical deadlines in a Chapter 13 case. Local bankruptcy rules and other events could change this timeline.

Below is a general outline of typical deadlines in a Chapter 13 case. Local bankruptcy rules and other events could change this timeline.

    Within 180 days prior to filing Chapter 13
  • Debtor takes UST approved credit counseling course

*Number of days after filing Petition, unless noted otherwise



  • Petition filed by Debtor/Debtor Attorney
  • Bankruptcy Clerk notices Section 341 meeting for 35 to 50 days after petition file date.
  • Trustee Office notices Pre-Hearing Conference and Confirmation Docket Hearing not more than 45 days after 341 meeting date.

Debtor files required paperwork:

  • All required Schedules
  • Certificate that Debtor read and received required notice
  • Chapter 13 Plan
  • Authorization for Adequate Protection Disbursement (AAPD)
  • Form 22C-1 (Form 22C-2, if applicable) Statement of Currently Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment
  • Copies of last 60 days payment advices Trustee provides Notice to DSO holder and child support State
    Agency, if applicable

First Payment to Trustee due no later than 30 days after Petition File date (and each month thereafter until the Plan is completed).

  • If Payment is not made – Trustee sends Notice of Intent (NOI) to Dismiss case

7 days prior to the 341 Meeting of Creditors, Debtor send copies of Tax Returns or transcripts for the last 2 years.

Trustee sends Notice of Intent (NOI) to Dismiss case for failure to file any required documents.

341 Meeting of Creditors

  • Meeting concluded: case proceeds to Confirmation. The Trustee has 30 days from the concluded 341 meeting
    date to object to exemptions

If the 341 Meeting is adjourned:

  • Trustee will reset within 10 days to 2 weeks
  • No ID, Tax Returns or other docs – NOI sent
  • No Show – NOI sent

  • Debtor files Amended Plan to reflect any changes as a result of the 341 meeting
  • Any Creditor objection to the Plan must be filed 7 days prior to the Confirmation Hearing Date.

  • Pre-Hearing Conference to confirm the Plan.
  • Confirmation Docket/Hearing to confirm the Plan.

    70 (days after original date set for 341 meeting)
  • Claims Bar Date. 70 days after the original date set for the 341 meeting is the deadline for most creditors to file a Proof of Claim (POC)

Governmental Bar Date

  • Claims Bar Date. The deadline for Government Units to file a Proof of Claim. (POC)

    After the Governmental Bar Date
Trustee Recommendation Concerning Claims (TRCC) is prepared and noticed for pre-hearing date and court hearing date.

Objections to TRCC filed

  • No response received – TRCC deemed allowed without hearing
  • Response received – pre hearing and/or court hearing held on TRCC
  • An objection to claim can be filed anytime throughout the plan with 33 days notice.

A dismissal (an Order ending the bankruptcy before successful completion and discharge) may occur during the lifetime of a case for reasons that include but are not limited to: failure to file all required documents, to make Plan payments to the Trustee; to attend the 341 Meeting, or to provide Tax Return copies or other documents to the Trustee. Or the case can be dismissed voluntarily by the Debtor.

    Before Discharge
  • Trustee notifies holder of DSO and child support State Agency of: granting of discharge, last known address of the Debtor, last most recently known address of the Debtor’s employer

    3 to 5 years after filing
  • Discharge Order after payments made and Plan completed. Discharge may not be available in some cases due to timing of discharge received in a previous case; DSO payment status; no certification of completion for Personal Financial Management course.